2024 SHOR Act

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Tell your legislator to support your right to know if your catch is safe to eat!

You deserve to know if your catch is safe to eat. Your tax dollars go to pay for the testing of fish, but few of us know the results of those tests.

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The SHOR Act will let you know if there is a fish consumption advisory on your body of water by:

  • Turning the existing fish consumption advisory program into law
  • Placing signage at all public boat ramps and fishing piers across Alabama
  • Create a blue ribbon panel for community input and feedback
  • Add fish consumption advisory information to fishing licenses

If the fish are already tested by the state, why do we need legislation for fish consumption advisories?

This legislation would make sure the fish advisory program (the testing and advisory release) is required by law and the roles/responsibilities of the three agencies (ADPH, DCNR, & ADEM) involved are clearly defined.

Public outreach about contaminated fish and local advisories is desperately needed! ADEM’s maps are outdated and the state provides anglers with no way to access fish advisory information without an internet connection. There are barriers like language and literacy that keep people from readily understanding which fish are unsafe to eat. 

More testing is needed to protect anglers across the state, which is why the SHOR Act would create a blue ribbon panel for public feedback.

Thanks to supporters like you, in 2023 the SHOR Act made it farther than any other conservation bill in years! Will you help us get the SHOR Act across the finish line this year by clicking the take action button now to contact your local elected official?

What is the purpose of this bill and why is it important?

In Alabama, the River State, many people look to our rivers and beaches to catch
and cook fish for their families. The current fish consumption advisory program
is at risk because it is not codified into law and there are ample opportunities to
improve the public outreach and awareness of the advisories through the SHOR

What happens if people eat the fish? Aren’t fish supposed to be good for you?

We understand that fish provide essential nutritional value to diets. The goal of
the SHOR Act is to ensure that families who eat fish from local waterways
understand the risk of eating fish with high levels of mercury and carcinogens so
they can make informed decisions on when and where to fish and how to
prepare the fish to reduce their exposure.


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