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Fish Consumption

No one should have to fear eating the fish of Coastal Alabama. Baykeeper will prevent heavy metals and chemicals from reaching our waterways. Through monitoring, government/agency review, and influencing decision-makers, Baykeeper commits to lowering the chemical and heavy-metal pollution in our waters.

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Our children should be able to swim in the waterways of Coastal Alabama without fear of disease or carcinogenic exposure. Baykeeper will track, mitigate, and reduce the impacts of sewage spills and stormwater runoff in our watershed. We will reduce the amount of fecal matter, fertilizers, and other contaminants entering our waterways and swimming spots after rainstorms.

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Seagrasses should be more present in our watershed as they are the foundation of our coastal ecosystem. Baykeeper will restore our lost seagrasses and fight the pollution that has affected them so greatly in the past. Seagrass not only provides food and shelter for redfish, crabs, shrimp, and tarpon, it also provides ecosystem benefits such as sediment stabilization, nutrient filtration, and carbon dioxide absorption.

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Oysters should be more present in our watershed as they are a natural solution to myriad water quality issues and provide critical ecosystem infrastructure in our Bay. Baykeeper will revive our oyster populations to improve water quality throughout the Bay and will stop the destruction.

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