You Saved Rabbit Creek!

Thanks to your voices we’ve achieved a significant victory for our coastal waters and especially for the Dog River Watershed: the permanent protection of more than 100 acres of pristine Rabbit Creek wetlands.

These wetlands play a crucial role for water quality in Rabbit Creek. Because you helped us defend them, Rabbit Creek can be enjoyed for generations to come. Their protection ensures wildlife and fisherman alike will have a place to go, and  downstream neighbors will remain protected from flooding.

This win shows the strength our community has when we unite!

A few weeks ago, as the City Council prepared to vote on potential incentives for this project, you reached out to us to amplify your concerns. We issued an urgent action alert to Coastal Alabamians, and boy did they respond. The letters and calls sent a clear message: preserving these wetlands is non-negotiable.

There will still be wetlands filled at this site, and it’s important to recognize that any time we lose wetlands it hurts our waterways. However, thanks to the concessions you demanded from the developer, Rabbit Creek will be safeguarded for future generations. This is indeed a cause for celebration.

We also want to give special acknowledgment to Mayor Stimpson and his team for brokering a deal that takes into account the real costs of this kind of development for the city of Mobile. And special thanks to Ben Reynolds who stood up for the Dog River Watershed and the people he represents in District 4. 

Stay tuned, as your voices will be needed to protect our waters in the years to come.

Previous Updates:

We have a handshake deal to protect crucial wetlands in the Dog River Watershed. Stay tuned as the deal becomes finalized.

The above map is not a legal document and while outlining the approximate boundaries of the site and preservation areas it is not binding nor to scale. It is intended to give the public information on the tentative deal to protect Rabbit Creek wetlands.

Although any development that fills wetlands means some degradation of our waterways, these concessions will protect Rabbit Creek for future generations to enjoy. That is something to be celebrated.

However, the deal is not final yet. When these details become finalized, Baykeepers’ concerns will have been met, with the most sensitive wetland areas having been granted protection.

You can thank Mayor Stimpson and his team for brokering this deal, which takes into account the real costs of this kind of development for the city of Mobile. Ben Reynolds stood up for the people and places he represents in District 4.

We’d like to thank all the Coastal Alabamians who made their voice heard to protect water quality. Stay tuned as the deal becomes finalized.


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