90 million cubic yards. That is how much sediment the Army Corps of Engineers plans to put into Mobile Bay over the next 20 years for maintenance dredging of the ship channel. That 90 million cubic yards is enough to cover every football field in America with a foot of dirt. That’s 42,000 football fields, and you’d still have some left over. That amount of dirt will kill oysters, seagrass, and other habitat critical to the health of the creatures that our communities depend on.
We believe the dredge spoil for the ship channel widening should be put toward beneficial use, and at the very least, not dumped into the Bay. We are not calling for the end of the project. We are asking our federal elected officials to make the Corps do its job of serving the people rather than the other way around.
Join your community to stop the in-Bay disposal of spoil from maintenance dredging, which the Corps plans to do continuously after the project’s completion in March 2025.
Demanding an end to in-Bay disposal is just plain common sense. Federal funding was never appropriated for environmental mitigation of this project, even though ship channel projects in places like Savannah, Georgia received hundreds of millions of dollars for mitigation efforts. Why are Coastal Alabamians being screwed over once again?
Make your federal government and your tax dollars work for you, like you deserve. Ask your federal officials to protect Mobile Bay, the livelihoods of our seafood workers, and our way of life.
Support local fishermen by asking your federal elected officials to stop the Corps from dumping mud in Mobile Bay. Take action now