Through our Strategic Watershed Awareness and Monitoring Program (SWAMP), we educate citizens and students on the importance of a healthy watershed, how their actions can impact water quality, and what they can do to protect it. The initial presentation covers watershed basics, threats to water quality, the importance of clean water to our environment, economy, and quality of life, and how concerned citizens can safeguard our precious water resources. We deliver this “SWAP” presentation to as many schools as possible. If we secure sufficient funding, we train and certify interested 10th-12th grade students as water quality monitors using Alabama Water Watch’s (AWW) EPA-approved methodology and take them out to monitor their own waterways every month. Students upload water quality data into the Alabama Water Watch database and into the Water Rangers web tool where information on water quality trends is available to anyone.
SWAMP is made possible in part by the generous support of AM/NS CALVERT.