The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ current plan is to deepen and widen the ship channel and calls for them to dump 90 million cubic yards of sediment into Mobile Bay. That much sediment is sure to cause real damage to our Bay and those who depend on it to make a living.
Mobile Baykeeper — joined by commercial and recreational fishermen — and the Center for Biological Diversity notified the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today that they intend to file a lawsuit over the Corps’ failure to protect threatened Gulf sturgeon from a massive dredging project in Mobile Bay.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have plans to deposit 90 million cubic yards of sediment directly into our bay over the next 20 years. A muddier bay spells disaster for our marine life and threatens our way of life. Mobile Bay is losing the remaining habitat that our sea life depends on. This much mud hurts those who depend on a healthy fishery to make a living.
Take Action now and write your elected official.